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European Green Certificate infrastructure blueprint

Recently I spent quite some time studying the infrastructure blueprint of the European green certificate. I have to say that I am rather impressed by the whole solution and the way it has been designed, implemented and shipped to citizens. The overall quality looks to be good, sharp, solid and well thought. All the components…

HTTPS flow explained

This is an interesting graphical explanation on how the HTTPS handshaking occurs. http://sudhakar.online/programming/2015/08/09/https.html Most people working in Web Services don’t understand the HTTPS handshaking implications. This is a critical information to know since it can potentially have a detrimental effect on High Latency network connections. Some more information about this, can be retrieved on the…

Big Data and Social Cooling

The evolution of Big Data platforms I found this article about Big Data solutions and the cooling effect they are causing in our society. Social Cooling is the effect that Big Data platforms are causing on our way to live the web. The rationale behind this is that, if a person knows that he/she is…

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