Big Data and Social Cooling

The evolution of Big Data platforms I found this article about Big Data solutions and the cooling effect they are causing in our society. Social Cooling is the effect that Big Data platforms are causing on our way to live the web. The rationale behind this is that, if a person knows that he/she is […]

Let’s Encrypt, free SSL encryption to everyone.

Let’s Encrypt! I recently started to focus on the Let’s encrypt free certification authority, a total revolution in the way encryption is offered.  I thought it would be useful to write this article and here we are. For those of you that don’t know what it is, a short description from the service’s home page […]

How to create a Linux Daemon

Introduction I developed several Linux daemons and Windows Services  in my career. The differences between the 2 systems are enormous. I personally prefer to develop Linux daemons due to my love of Linux development. I feel like home working on Linux. What is a Linux daemon and how does it differ from a traditional user-space […]

About end to end encryption

Introduction How many times you felt protected by the new end to end encryption solution of your preferred mobile chat application? I recently participated to a work-group on data security in Brussels. The work group was organized by the Brussels Privacy Hub together with ICRC (international Committee of the red cross). It was about data security […]

SLA of Cloud Services. How can they make it?

Introduction When we talk about cloud services, we always think they are perfect, they never fail and they are operational 100% of the time. Is it the reality? Is it true? Can a system be operational forever? I don’t think so. Do you? Just Today google cloud computing platform went down for more than 1 […]

RabbitMQ Service

Introduction Recently, I have implemented a new RabbitMQ infrastructure, for the company I regularly work,which is supposed to serve several different customers and services spacing from complex applications to CMS services to long lasting transaction systems. What is extremely interesting of this exercise is that the request to have this new service was driven by developers, […]