SLA of Cloud Services. How can they make it?

Introduction When we talk about cloud services, we always think they are perfect, they never fail and they are operational 100% of the time. Is it the reality? Is it true? Can a system be operational forever? I don’t think so. Do you? Just Today google cloud computing platform went down for more than 1 […]

RabbitMQ Service

Introduction Recently, I have implemented a new RabbitMQ infrastructure, for the company I regularly work,which is supposed to serve several different customers and services spacing from complex applications to CMS services to long lasting transaction systems. What is extremely interesting of this exercise is that the request to have this new service was driven by developers, […]

Amazon Web Services X1 Instances

Aws  released the x1 instances. The new instance type offers 128 virtual cores and  about 2 tb of RAM. I will never stop to be susprised of this job, i still feel excited reading this stuff. I feel like my son when he sees a new toy, he just wants to play with it. The new […]

Dropbox Magic Pocket

Dropbox, one of the biggest AWS installation, implemented its own storage solution The reading is very interesting and highlights what is under the hood of this fantastic service.   Actually dropbox has impressive numbers. They currently have 500 PB of data, very few companies in the world have such a massive amount of storage.   […]